Sunday 23 October 2011

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."

You know what? I'm moving on. I'm going to stop living in the past and live in the future because looking back gets me nowhere. The past is done with, over, it's just a memory and means nothing anymore. It's like I'm just stuck whilst everyone else is moving forward and I'm fucking done with being here! I am determined to make the most of my life, 'cause you only life once and you should appreciate the life you have because I know that a child in Africa would do anything to live the life I have, even with all the daily problems, because at least they have food, water and a family. You seen me struggle, you seen me fall and now you can all see my raise before the stars because I am here, I'm still alive and I am standing on two feet. Thats right I'm back and I am going to prove to you all that I can do this! I can beat my mental illnesses not because I have to, but because I fucking want too! YEAH!