Monday 24 October 2011

'Cuz we lost it all. Nothing lasts forever, I'm sorry I can't be perfect...

And I feel so silly for holding on so tightly to nothing. Well, they call it my life, but to me this isn't a life. To me, the definition of life is "To live" and I am certain that I am not living, I am just existing. I just wish I could witness happiness just once more, I wish I could go back to the times I had no care in the world and my body didn't matter. When people would insult me I would just laugh and think nothing of it. What has happened to me? If I realised I was sinking I would of stopped myself, but now I feel like I've hit rock bottom and there is no way of getting back up. I try, I really do. I fall and I try to stand, I stand for a while but then I just fall back down when I feel like I'm at the top but I don't realise I'm falling until I'm back at stage one again, and if thats the case how am I ever supposed to get "better"? I wish I could believe some day things will be okay and I will be happy, just like I used to be, but at this rate the chances of that happening is minus zero.


  1. Hey, the thing with rock bottom is.. you cant get any further down so the only way is up!
