Saturday 27 August 2011

"You can't truly love anybody until you learn you love yourself. "

I'm a happier person now, happier than what I was before and I owe it to a very special someone. Someone who has changed my life, turned my world around and made me see the positives of life. Someone who has made me strive for recovery and thanks to him, recovery is a huge part of my life and I refuse to let anybody put me down. You call me fat? I don't care. You call me ugly, you're just going to have to get used to it. You call me a psycho? Well darlin', the old me cared, the new one doesn't. I'm me and I like who I am, nobody can change me only I can change me and quite frankly that isn't going to happen. If you don't like me because of the way I am then thats your problem not mine, just walk away and never turn back. I'm happy with you doing that :)

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