Wednesday 31 August 2011

30 day self-harm challenge. - Day 1.

How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.

I have been self harming from the age of nine years old. It all began with brusing and burning myself. This all started because as I child I was an outcast in my family, I never really fitted in. I was always pushed to the side left to do my own thing. When I reached high school I got bullied alot, and used to smack my head in between doors and smash it shut, I used to break a glass and walk on it bare foot, and then when I reached 13 I was diagnosed with many mental illnesses. I was asked if I self harmed, bruised myself, burned myself, CUT myself. Well, that thought never came to mind. I never thought I could cut my skin open and see blood, so that night I went home and did it. At first, I felt nothing. But every time things felt wrong and bad, I would cut. I no longer bruise or burn or walk on broken glass. Cutting served my purpose from that day on but I can honestly say in a way, I'm glad I went through it, because with experience of my recovery of self injury I can now help those around me to see the positives instead of the negatives and learn how to not do it when the urges come rushing by!

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